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Q1: When did the school start?
Ans: The school started in the year 1957.
Q2: Which Board does the school follow?
Ans: The school currently follows the ICSE Board curriculum and has plans to incorporate the Cambridge Assessment International Examination (CAIE – Lower Secondary) into its academic offerings starting in the 2024-25 academic year, initially for grades 6 and 7.
Q3: What is the teacher student ratio in school?
Ans: 1:10
Q4: What is the process of registration?
Ans: Registration can be done by submitting the duly filled Registration Form along with an attested copy of the child’s Municipality Birth Certificate, Passport, Aadhar Card and a demand draft for Rs. 20,000/- in favour of “The Principal, Welham Girls’ School”, payable at Dehradun.
Q5: Is the Registration fees refundable?
Ans: Registration fees in Non-refundable.
Q6: When is the Aptitude/Proficiency Assessment held?
Ans: The Aptitude/Proficiency Assessment is held in November or December every year.
Q7: What are the subjects for the Assessment?
Ans: English, Hindi, Mathematics and General Knowledge.
Q8: What is the process after the Aptitude/Proficiency Assessment?
Ans: Applicants who get shortlisted go through a second round of the admission procedure which consists of an interaction with the students.
Q9: What makes Welham Girls’ School different from other Boarding Schools?
Ans: We believe in sound Indian value system. We are a secular, liberal institution that instills in its students a deep regard for all Indian traditions and customs. Living within the Welham family, girls learn to appreciate diverse faiths and beliefs and celebrate all major festivals with equal joy & reverence.
Q10: What is the configuration of your dormitory?
Ans: Each dormitory accommodates 16 girls (approx.)
Q11: How many sections does the school have and what is the strength?
Ans: There are three sections of each class and the strength is 20-25 girls.
Q12: Does school provide career guidance and support?
Ans: School offers comprehensive career guidance and support to help student navigate their educational and professional journey.
Here's what we provide:
College and University Guidance:
In-house counsellor who assists with planning, application process, and university/college selection for studies in India and abroad.
University and college fairs which offer direct interaction with officials for firsthand information about programs and application procedures?
Standardized Test Preparation:
The school serves as an authorized test centre for SAT and AP exams, providing students with the convenience of taking these tests on campus, eliminating the necessity of traveling to an external location. Additionally, the school offers offline preparatory courses for CUET, SAT, CLAT, BBA, and NIFT. Further support is provided to students gearing up for IIT-JEE and NEET exams. The school is dedicated to assisting students in discovering their career paths, exploring various options, preparing for entrance exams, and ultimately achieving their academic goals.
Q13: What is the total strength of the school?
Ans: 550 girls (approx.)
The School fully reserves the right of Admission and its decision in the matter is final and binding and cannot be questioned.
The School reserves the right to change its Admissions’ procedure from time to time without notice.