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The Relation between Spirituality and Quantum Soul
By Yashodhara Choudhary - SC A Wednesday, Oct 11, 2023
The term spirituality can be shortly defined as a sense of connection to our higher self. It is the science of “life giving substance”. Quantum physics on the other hand is a branch which deals with study of matter and energy at the most fundamental level (atomic and subatomic). Its main aim is to uncover the behavior and pattern of the very building blocks of our nature. Many of its concepts do not fit into the ideal classical physics which consists of newton’s law of motion, gravitation etc. This branch forces us to think that there is actually a realm world which we cannot see because it does not consist of any materialistic things. Even though they are invisible, they still have the power to act upon the empirical world.
One of its main aspects is known as “quantum soul”. The quantum soul implies consciousness in the brain as explained by Orchestrated Objective Reduction theory (Orch OR) which attributes consciousness to quantum calculation in microtubules inside brain neurons. Microtubules (protein polymers) govern neuronal and synaptic function and connect brain processes to self-organizing processes at the quantum level. Scientists believe that overall brain function derives from quantum level microtubule vibrations.
The Penrose-Hameroff theory in the early 1990s says that “the connection to space-time geometry also raises the possibility that Orch OR allows consciousness apart from the brain and body. It is likely for the quantum information to exist beyond our body, perhaps infinitely, as a soul.” Let us take an example which was initially stated by Dr Stuart Hameroff - when our heart stops pumping blood, the microtubules lose their quantum state but the quantum information within them is not destroyed. It cannot be destroyed. It just distributes and scatters in the universe just like dust particles.
Therefore, our souls are greater than the definition given by the world as they are birthed by the utopic idea and could have been present since the commencement of world.